Monthly subscription

If you’re not sure about becoming a full member of Smashing Pink yet and you’d like to get to know our club better first, we offer an alternative way to play tennis at our club during our outdoor season (April through September): a Monthly subscription.
More info via 'Lees meer'.
Monthly subscription
The Monthly subscription basically offers the same possibilities as a full membership: you can make up to 3 reservations on beforehand (within a time period 7 days) and you can play freely on our courts if there are courts available. However, because you won’t become a KNLTB member, you won’t receive a KNLTB card (so you cannot confirm your prior reservation or block a court ‘on the spot’ in our digital reservation system). Also, you won’t be able to take lessons at Smashing Pink and you’re not able to buy a Winter card in case you’d like to continue playing tennis during the winter. Nevertheless, you are allowed and very welcome to join all of our tennis and social events!
The Monthly subscription starts at the first day of the month of your preference during our outdoor season (April through September) and can be canceled any month you like. Please be sure to cancel your Monthly subscription before the 16th of the month prior to the month you’d like your Monthly subscription to end! (So cancel your Monthly subscription with a two weeks notice before the end of the month...)
Price: €45,- per month.
Please be aware that you can only apply for the Monthly subscription only once: after you’ve canceled your subscription, you only have the possibility to become a full member of Smashing Pink.
You can cancel your Monthly subscription (considering the two weeks notice) by sending an email.
Click here to subscribe for the Monthly subscription
(In Dutch only - if you need help with the registration or if you have any questions regarding the Monthly subscription, send us an email.