Activities & Tennis Training

Smashing Pink organizes many activities:
- KNLTB competition (Spring competition: April-May-June and Fall competition: September-October). Questions? Mail the Competition Committee.
- Internal Competition (4 Saturdays in June & July). Beginners levels: 8/9. Questions? Please send an email to Internal Club competition.
- Weekly evening tennis toss event on Mondays and Fridays from 6-10pm (April through September).
- Weekly morning tennis toss event on Mondays (beginners), Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12am (April through September).
- Pinkster Tournament (during Pentacost), our yearly GLTA Masters event.
- Gay Pride Toss for members and non-members (last Friday of the Pride Week before the Canal Parade).
- Club Championships (August/September) Questions? Please send an email to Clubkampioenschappen.
- Winter tennis toss evenings on 3-5 Saturdays during the winter season for members and non-members. These events will be announced through our newsletter that all members receive.
Tennis lessons
If you're a full Smashing Pink member and you're interested in taking tennis lessons, just send an email to and we'll contact you about the availability and the costs.