Digital reservation system / ClubApp

Important to know is that every time you want to play tennis, you have to use our digital reservation system (the terminal on the right side of the hallway leading to the indoor courts):
- Either to confirm a prior reservation made online or through our ClubApp;
- In order to book a court at the club ‘on the spot’.
Not using the digital reservation system before you use our courts, enables other members to book your court instead! Only members who have booked/confirmed a court through our digital reservation system have the right to play...
More info via 'Lees meer'.
First of all, before being able to make a reservation through either the website or the ClubApp, you need to make a personal account on our website. To be able to log in, you click on the pink button with the white head ()
In the upper right corner of the website you’ll find 4 buttons of which you choose the most left one.
Click on it and the inlog screen will open from the top part of the screen. When you are here for the first time, fill in your username (which is always your email address as known in your membership registration of Smashing Pink).
Now you have to click on "opvragen?". This is to request your password for the website, which will be sent immediately to your email address. Open your email and you will find a temporary password. Fill in the password in the field called "wachtwoord", and click the button "inloggen". Now the system will ask you to make your own password. Remember it or write it down, because this will always be your login password together with your username/email address.
From now on, always log in first when you visit the website, because logged in members will always see more information about the club, activities, subscription, court reservation, personal information of the club members and club documents.
In case you have problems logging into the website, please click here to send us a message.
Making a reservation through the website:
Log in to the website first. You have access to the reservation page by clicking activiteiten > afhangen. You will see your name first in the reservation form, and you have to add 1 other player (for a singles session) or 3 other players (for a doubles session) by filling in their names. They will pop up automatically so you can select them. Now click the "overzicht" button, which will show you all available times on our courts. For checking the different courts just click on them. Select the day and time of your preference and click "reserveer". Now you will see your reservation and click "reserveer" again to confirm. You can always delete your reservation by clicking "verwijderen". You have to confirm your reservation at the club (see the rules below). You can always see the reservation you made at the menu activiteiten > baanbezetting. Just slide from side to side to see the names of the people who already made a reservation. In case all the players concerned don’t confirm their reservation at the club by swiping their KNLTB cards through the terminal of the digital reservation system, the court will be made available to other members to be booked. Also, players who don’t confirm their prior reservation at the club, won’t be allowed by the system to book a court ‘on the spot’ for the rest of the day!
Rules for court reservations are:
- You can make up to 3 reservations at a time (within a time period of 7 days) by adding 1 other member (for a singles session) or 3 other members (for a doubles session) to the reservation. The reservation will give you the right to play 60 minutes between 8am and 11pm. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 5-8pm, the reservation time is only 45 minutes. When you arrive at the tennis venue you will have to confirm your reservation through our digital system by sliding all membership cards of all participants through the slot holder on the right side of the reservation terminal. (You will find the reservation terminal on your right hand of the hallway leading to the indoor courts.) If you've already made 3 reservations, you can only make a new reservation again once you've completed one. After your session, if there’s still a court available, you can extend your session by booking a free court ‘on the spot’ using the same reservation terminal. Swipe the KNLTB cards of all participants through the right side of the terminal and choose “Eerste vrije baan” (which blocks an available court for a full hour straight away) or simply select an available court in the overview “Baanoverzicht”. If you didn't confirm your reservation through the terminal before, the system won't allow you to book a court 'on the spot' for the rest of the day!
- IMPORTANT: When making a reservation, if you see "maximale aantal reserveringen" it means that you or one of your other tennis partners, already has/have 3 open reservations which have not been completed yet. This means you cannot make a new reservation yet! Only when one of your (or their) reservations has been played, or canceled, you can make a new reservation. Alternatively, this warning also pops up when you try to make a reservation for a day at which you already have made a reservation. You can only have one pending reservation on the same day!
An even easier way to make a reservation is to use our ClubApp. This mobile application can be downloaded in the following app stores:
When opening the app for the first time, the app may recognize you if you already have an account at the Smashing Pink website. If not, please use exactly the same username and password that you use on our website to log in!
At the app’s home screen you can see the calendar with upcoming activities, club news and tennis news. From the Menu (bottom right) you can also browse through the members list (“Ledenlijst” - type in at least three letters to find the person you’re looking for), and you can upload your own content of your Smashing Pink experiences straight into the app (“Deel je moment”).
Nevertheless, the most important feature is the reservation module which can be found in the bottom of the app (click on the screen image “Tennisbaan...”, the second button from the left of the row).
You’ll immediately see the overview of the courts and existing reservations in the system for today. To see the next 6 days, swipe to the left and right in the pink bar and choose your day of choice. In case you see an opening and want to make a reservation, click on the pink (+) button. Your name is already there and you can select 1 or 3 more players for a singles/doubles session. The app already proposes a list of players you’ve played with most, nevertheless you can add player(s) of your own choice by clicking on the blue [+] button. Type at least three letters of a first or last name to find your tennis buddy.
In case you’ve selected all players, click on the blue word “Volgende” in the bottom right of your screen. Your reservation is now in the system. Don’t forget to confirm your reservation at the terminal at the club! Otherwise, the system will automatically delete your reservation and makes the court available for everyone else straight away...
You can delete a reservation by clicking on the calendar button (in the top right of the screen, right next to “Tennisbaan reserveringen”). You’ll see the overview of your pending reservations. Click on the reservation you’d like to delete. The app will ask for a confirmation, click on the red “Verwijderen” to complete the deletion.
You can also find your reservation in the tennis courts overview and click on it. From here you can add the reservation to your own calendar and share the reservation with others. If you swipe up, you can also add other players in case you’d rather like to play doubles. For deleting this reservation, click on the red “Reservering verwijderen” and confirm.