Inschrijven Thema Training 'Baseline' / Register for Theme Training 'Baseline'

Everyone well prepared for the Pinkster Tournament? In addition to the regular lessons, some Theme Trainings are organized at Smashing Pink and the next one is Tuesday evening May 14th between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM. Our Eline tackles the theme 'Baseline' and is happy to point out tips & tricks that you might be able to use for the Pinkster Tournament or just because you enjoy joining the training! The training sessions are held in groups of 4 players per hour.So grab that extra hour of training and register via this link.
And if that is not enough, the registration form is also open to (new) members who would like to take lessons in the 2nd block (that is the week of June 2nd until the week of July 26th, week number 23-31). You can register via the the training page on our website or contact